Living Cultures
In Our Hands
Box of Treasures Videos
2016 Kickstarter Videos
The Personal Art: Portraiture
Auntie Ethel
Stanley Hunt
Chief Beau Dick
Past Projects
Headman Jim Thomas, Tlingit
Reconciliation Pole
VIDEO 1 Reconciliation Pole
Copper Nails
2016 Paddle to Nisqually
VIDEO: Paddle to Nisqually
Lummi Pole Journey
Alert Bay - June Pageantry
Tea with Chief Beau Dick
Tlingit Story of the Copper
Raven Story
Lalakenis - Box of Treasures
Lalakenis - Fashion Show
Lalakenis - Second Day
Glacier Bay Big House
Opening Hearts
Dos Polacas: Photography, Heart and Stories
Videos from the 2016 Kickstarter Launch event
Feb 21st 2016 was a momentous day. These are the videos of that day.
Protocol is our guide
Official witness was chosen, gifted and told her duties
John Kottcamp introduces Sharon and Pamela
Sharon speaks about herself and the origin of our name, Dos Polacas
Pamela speaks about her part in the project "In the Hands of Our Elders"
Jim Thomas, Tlingit, tells stories, makes us laugh and speaks to the importance of this project
Darrell Hillaire, Lummi Nation and Director of the Lummi Youth Academy, speaks in support of the project
Jim Thomas gives closing prayer
Living Cultures
In Our Hands
Box of Treasures Videos
2016 Kickstarter Videos
The Personal Art: Portraiture
Auntie Ethel
Stanley Hunt
Chief Beau Dick
Past Projects
Headman Jim Thomas, Tlingit
Reconciliation Pole
VIDEO 1 Reconciliation Pole
Copper Nails
2016 Paddle to Nisqually
VIDEO: Paddle to Nisqually
Lummi Pole Journey
Alert Bay - June Pageantry
Tea with Chief Beau Dick
Tlingit Story of the Copper
Raven Story
Lalakenis - Box of Treasures
Lalakenis - Fashion Show
Lalakenis - Second Day
Glacier Bay Big House
Opening Hearts